Announcement : 


Home Learning

Please visit the link for more Home Learning information

Welcome to Manurewa South


By challenging yourself you will blossom in education.

Haere Mai

Principal's Welcome

​I am very proud to be part of Manurewa South School. We have an amazing group of teachers who work hard to provide the best possible learning opportunities for our children. Our teachers are supported by a wonderful group of teacher aides, office staff and hard-working caretakers who help to create a learning environment at our school. We have a very active Board of Trustees and a leadership team who are passionate about enhancing the learning experiences of every child at Manurewa South School.

As a school we like to expose our children to a variety of real-life learning experiences so that they can expand their knowledge and have a better understanding of the world around them. We also see the importance of our children experiencing a range of activities including sporting events, The Arts – music, dance, drama and visual art, as well as the fundamental skills of literacy, maths and inquiry learning to help them become confident, life-long learners.

Thank you for taking the time to explore our website and find out more about Manurewa South School. Our website will keep evolving over time so that you are always kept updated with what’s happening here at south. We look forward to welcoming and working alongside you and your children.

Tone Kolose


Two koru connecting in a spiral shape to show respect (in a caring way).


A mangapore shape showing striving for excellence in the right direction with resilience, courage and strength.


Two koru spirals expanding out like breath in a positive way.

Life Long Learner

Three koru growing as they expand upward and outward along a stem like shape representing life’s journey
Our Pepeha

Ko Matukutuureia raaua ko
Matukutuuruuruu ngaa Maunga tipua.

Ko Manukau te Moana. Ko Waimahia te Awa.

Ko Kaiwhare te Taniwha. Ko Tainui te Waka.

Ko Waikato raaua ko Waiohua ngaa Iwi.

Ko wai matou?
Ko te kura tuatahi
O Manurewa ki te Tonga
Anei nga tamariki pūkenga
Ngā rangatira o te wā ā mua
Ka piki matou ki te rungarawa
O te matauranga

He whanau matou
Tino koa ki te ako
Ma te wero ka puawai te hua
Tu ake matou mo tatou
Mo te whakapono me te aroha
Ka piki matou ki te rungarawa
O te matauranga

Who are we?
We are Manurewa South School
Here are talented children
Leaders of the future
Striving for higher learning

We are family
Very keen/eager to learn
By challenging yourself, you will blossom in Education
We stand for ourselves
For truth and for love
We strive for higher learning




Tuesday, March 11